I'm taking my time writing this one, not only because I'm enjoying the process so much, but also because I'm building a settlement. That's easier said than done, but it'll be worth it to tell Olivia's story.

Soon I'll start talking about Aboard Providence and ships and 1860s life and attire and church and manners, but before then I thought I'd show you what I'm working on.
I'm learning how to make lye soap, to clear land, and to find ways for these people to get along. Of course as the author I don't really want them to get along... where's the story in that? ;)
I downloaded these photos months ago for inspiration and now I can't find where the pictures came from. If you happen to know, please tell me so I can give the photographers credit. I'd also love to know the stories of those who built these structures. I'm just guessing here, but I imagine they had their share of strife. Such is life. Such is story.