Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Uncharted Mercy Cover Reveal

Isn't that cover gorgeous?! I could stare at it all day. My cover designer, Najla Qamber, has really outdone herself this time!

And this story flowed straight from my heart! Here is a little about it:

Lonely bachelor Noah Vestal longs for a family of his own. His inherited farmhouse feels empty, until he befriends his lovely neighbor, widow Bette Owens. When Bette's in-laws try to separate her from her son, Noah offers to marry her in a quick and convenient arrangement. However, their marriage is soon put to the test when someone contests Noah's inheritance and threatens to tear their newfound family apart.

Set in the idyllic village of Good Springs, this heartwarming tale follows Noah and Bette as they navigate the challenges of marriage, parenthood, and standing up to the powerful village council. As Noah’s dreams of family and community slip away, Bette is faced with an unimaginable fight for her family—and for love.

Can their marriage of convenience withstand the battle for inheritance, family, and love?

 I can't wait for you to get to read Bette and Noah's story. The official release date is March 20, 2025. If you're a Kindle reader, pre-order it here now and it will be in your Kindle library the moment it releases. If you prefer paperback, pre-order an autographed copy here. (This PayPal page allows you to use any debit or credit card. You don’t need a PayPal account to order.)

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

It's Release Day for Uncharted Peace (Book #13)


Lena’s stay at The Inn at Falls Creek leaves her torn between loyalty to her family and marrying Philip for love.


Lena Vestal enjoys spending her days cooking for her siblings and her nights curled up with a good book… or a letter from Philip Roberts, the overseer of Falls Creek and the only man ever to capture her heart. It’s safe to dream of a future with him while she is still sheltered by the older brother and sister who raised her. When Philip’s final letter announces his forthcoming arrival to take her to Falls Creek, Lena must leave all that is familiar to make her dream a reality.

Philip Roberts takes his duties as the overseer of Falls Creek seriously, not only to please God but also to prove his competence. Having been in the pastoral position for two years, Philip’s dissertation is anticipated by all the overseers of the Land, particularly his father. Producing a work of great merit would prove his worth, as would setting an excellent example of holy matrimony in his church.

Lena’s yearning for the security of Philip’s love compels her to spend a month without her siblings at the isolated Inn at Falls Creek. To prepare for their nuptials, Philip informs her the Land’s tradition requires they compare family lineage. When she receives hers from her sister, a shocking secret about her true origins means she must choose between protecting her family and marrying the man of her dreams.

And when Philip’s published book is distributed before he can check it, both feel their hopes dissolve.

But at the Inn at Falls Creek, no one is alone and everyone is worthy. 

Uncharted Peace weaves past and future in a faith-filled story of life in a hidden land. If you enjoy the rural setting of frontier romance and the wholesomeness of Amish fiction, you’ll adore Uncharted Peace.

Available now!

Paperback | Hardcover

Large Print Paperback | Large Print Hardcover


Or get an autographed paperback copy on my website.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Pre-Order Uncharted Peace (Uncharted, #13)

Great news! I finished writing Uncharted Peace several weeks before schedule!

Yep, Book 13 in the Uncharted series is now in the production phase. Kindle readers can already pre-order the ebook on Amazon. (I will let you paperback and large print readers know as soon as those versions can be ordered.)

So, instead of the planned summer release, this next installment in the Uncharted series will be available March 19, 2024.

And that is more than just a random date. I picked it because it’s the very important March equinox. If you’ve read many of the Uncharted books, you know why!

The March equinox is the spring equinox (first day of spring) for us in the Northern Hemisphere, but for the Southern Hemisphere, which includes the Land, it’s the autumn equinox.

According to the lore of the Land, the only time anyone has entered the Land was on their autumn equinox. So, it makes sense that our next visit to the Land should be on that date as well.

In fact, if the Lord allows, I want to make the equinox each March a release date for the Uncharted series.

My incredibly talented cover designer, Najla Qamber, created an exquisite cover for Uncharted Peace. I don’t normally like much of the cover model’s face to show because I want readers to get to fill in some details for themselves, but this woman looks so much like Lena, I couldn’t refuse.

And here is a little about the story…

Lena Vestal enjoys spending her days cooking for her siblings and her nights curled up with a good book… or a letter from Philip Roberts, the overseer of Falls Creek and only man ever to capture her heart. It’s safe to dream of a future with him while she is still sheltered by the older brother and sister who raised her. When Philip’s final letter announces his forthcoming arrival to take her to Falls Creek, Lena must leave all that is familiar to make her dream a reality.

Philip Roberts takes his duties as the overseer of Falls Creek seriously, not only to please God but also to prove his competence. Having been in the pastoral position for two years, Philip’s dissertation is anticipated by all the overseers of the Land, particularly his father. Producing a work of great merit would prove his worth, as would setting an excellent example of holy matrimony in his church.

Lena’s yearning for the security of Philip’s love compels her to spend a month without her siblings at the isolated Inn at Falls Creek. To prepare for their nuptials, Philip informs her the Land’s tradition requires they compare family lineage. When she receives hers from her sister, a shocking secret about her true origins means she must choose between protecting her family and marrying the man of her dreams.

And when Philip’s published book is distributed before he can check it, both feel their hopes dissolve.

But at the Inn at Falls Creek, no one is alone and everyone is worthy.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

New Guidebook to the Uncharted Series Now Available!

Thanks to your support, last month’s launch of Uncharted Grace was a smashing success! I’m blessed beyond measure to have such wonderful readers. Many newcomers found the series this summer too, and the questions about the Land just keep coming!

So many questions, in fact, I put together a 72-page guidebook about all things Uncharted. It has a map of the Land and of the Land’s location on earth, plus everything you’ve ever wondered about the Land’s culture, villages, history, and founders.

The Land is the fictional setting of the Uncharted series, but to faithful readers, it is very real in the heart. The Official Guidebook to The Land Uncharted Series is for those avid readers who asked for maps, for character lists, for more.

Hopefully, The Official Guidebook to The Land Uncharted Series isn’t your first introduction to the Uncharted series. If it is, please know the details throughout this guidebook may give away hints at stories you haven’t read yet. If you have read all the Uncharted books, this guidebook makes a wonderful reference and an easy refresher to use before each new Uncharted book comes out.

Whether you want more information on a certain character or are a super fan who is eager to explore all things Uncharted, The Official Guidebook to The Land Uncharted Series is the perfect reference book for anyone who longs to escape to the Land.

The Official Guidebook to The Land Uncharted Series is available in these formats:

Kindle | Paperback | Large Print


Happy Reading!


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Introducing Uncharted Grace (Uncharted, #12)


Can two newcomers with shattered pasts and buried secrets find love in the village of Good Springs?

An inherited orchard offers a fresh start in a new village for social butterfly Caroline Vestal. She believes Good Springs is where she will finally find a soulmate, but building a genuine relationship means being honest—even with the family secret that could ruin her new life before it begins.

With his relaxed manner, professional expertise, and dapper appearance, physician Jedidiah Cotter makes a good first impression in his new village. Once the Good Springs elder council officially titles him, he can establish his career and be safe from the obligation to return to his crooked family’s business back home. But when the council unexpectedly stalls the process, Jedidiah must discover the cause and quickly find a cure.

Though Caroline is smitten with the dashing new physician who lives across the road from the orchard house, his attraction to her drives him to ask questions she isn’t prepared to answer. If she trusts the wrong person with the shocking truth about her family’s past, she could lose the inheritance and the man she loves.

Uncharted Grace weaves past and future in a faith-filled story of life in a hidden land. If you enjoy the rural setting of frontier romance and the wholesomeness of Amish fiction, you’ll adore Uncharted Grace.

Uncharted Grace (#12) is coming July 2023!

Pre-order the autographed paperback version here. (Pre-orders will be shipped when the book releases in July.)

Pre-order the Kindle eBook here.

Add your name to my email list here to be among the first to know when it is available!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Uncharted Christmas is ready for you! 🎄📚

 Im so excited to share this with you! Uncharted Christmas (Uncharted #11) is finally here!

Travel to the Land with me in this Christmas novella to see what is happening in the villages of Good Springs and Falls Creek.
Here is a little about the story...

As Dr. Lydia Bradshaw makes her rounds in the village of Good Springs this Christmas season, each family she visits seems to be blessed in ways she is not. All the homes are beautifully decorated for the holiday, and every woman is expecting another baby.

Every woman but her, that is.

While the haze from the volcanic ash cloud outside the Land looms on the horizon, calls for the doctor force Lydia to work around the clock. Torn between fighting for the home life she craves and the career that defines her, Lydia needs a Christmas miracle.

Meanwhile, at Falls Creek…
Philip Roberts spends his lonely nights in the parsonage next to the humble chapel. Pastoring the church across from the Land’s only inn means encouraging many a road-worn traveler to carry on, whatever their journey might be. Philip also watches the ever-changing rotation of guests for the one person he prays will stay at Falls Creek forever.

Only he doesn’t know her name.

When the Vestal siblings break their journey to Good Springs at the inn for a much needed respite over Christmas, Philip is fascinated with the demure Lena Vestal. As he tries to get to know her, she stirs in him more questions than answers.

Can he discover who this intriguing woman truly is in such a short time, and is she the one he’s been waiting for?

Uncharted Christmas is a short read but so necessary for what is coming next. (Yes, I have the next 3 full-length novels stirring in my imagination.) I had a blast writing this story, and I think youre going to love it!


Are you ready?!

Grab your copy: Kindle | Paperback | Large Print Version



Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Uncharted Christmas (Book #11!!!) available October 2022

Christmas is coming to the Land... but not how you think!

As Dr. Lydia Bradshaw makes her rounds in the village of Good Springs this Christmas season, each family she visits seems to be blessed in ways she is not. All the homes are beautifully decorated for the holiday, and every woman is expecting another baby.

Every woman but her, that is.

While the haze from the volcanic ash cloud outside the Land looms on the horizon, calls for the doctor force Lydia to work around the clock. Torn between fighting for the home life she craves and the career that defines her, Lydia needs a Christmas miracle.

Meanwhile, at Falls Creek…
Philip Roberts spends his lonely nights in the parsonage next to the humble chapel. Pastoring the church across from the Land’s only inn means encouraging many a road-worn traveler to carry on, whatever their journey might be. Philip also watches the ever-changing rotation of guests for the one person he prays will stay at Falls Creek forever.

Only he doesn’t know her name.

When the Vestal siblings break their journey to Good Springs at the inn for a much needed respite over Christmas, Philip is fascinated with the demure Lena Vestal. As he tries to get to know her, she stirs in him more questions than answers.

Can he discover who this intriguing woman truly is in such a short time, and is she the one he’s been waiting for?

This Christmas novella weaves past and future in a faith-filled story of life in a hidden land. If you enjoy the rural setting and wholesomeness of frontier romance and Amish fiction, you’ll adore Uncharted Christmas.

Book 11 in the Uncharted series, Uncharted Christmas will be available in paperback, large print, and eBook October 2022.

Tap here to pre-order on Kindle.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Uncharted Courage (#10) is ready for you!

It's finally here! Uncharted Courage (Uncharted, #10) is ready for you. Bailey and Revel are about to have a heartwarming and heart-pounding adventure, and they are waiting for you to join them.

When Bailey accepts John Colburn’s offer for her to visit Good Springs, she leaves the Inn at Falls Creek expecting to spend the autumn relaxing in her favorite seaside village. Upon her arrival, Connor asks her to cover a shift of guard duty on the equinox, and her quiet vacation takes a shocking turn.

Revel Roberts works hard to keep his life commitment-free, making it easy to leave community decisions to men like Connor and John. But when the Land is threatened, Revel sees his chance to prove he is a man worthy of Bailey’s love. Amid the chaos in Good Springs, his unrequited feelings for her preoccupy him. One wrong choice could ruin everything.

As Bailey’s new life in the Land unravels and threats from the outside world loom, a yearning she can’t define surges within her. It distracts her from defending the hidden world she loves, and a tragedy reinforces her need for independence.

With the survival of the Land at stake and their hearts on the line, Bailey and Revel will need more courage than fighting ever required. They will need to find the courage to love.


Are you ready?!

Grab your copy: Kindle | Paperback | Large Print Version



Friday, October 1, 2021

The Uncharted story you’ve been waiting for!

Remember that unresolved romance between Bailey and Revel? Well, it wouldn’t let me rest :)

So, guess what?! Uncharted Courage (#10) will be available on November 1st!

Here is a little about the story…

When Bailey accepts John Colburn’s offer for her to visit Good Springs, she leaves the Inn at Falls Creek expecting to spend the autumn relaxing in her favorite seaside village. Upon her arrival, Connor asks her to cover a shift of guard duty on the equinox, and her quiet vacation takes a shocking turn.

Revel Roberts works hard to keep his life commitment-free, making it easy to leave community decisions to men like Connor and John. But when the Land is threatened, Revel sees his chance to prove he is a man worthy of Bailey’s love. Amid the chaos in Good Springs, his unrequited feelings for her preoccupy him. One wrong choice could ruin everything.

As Bailey’s new life in the Land unravels and threats from the outside world loom, a yearning she can’t define surges within her. It distracts her from defending the hidden world she loves, and a tragedy reinforces her need for independence.

With the survival of the Land at stake and their hearts on the line, Bailey and Revel will need more courage than fighting ever required. They will need to find the courage to love.

If you read ebooks, pre-order the Kindle version here.

Stay tuned for paperback, large print, and audiobook info!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

It's Release Day for Uncharted Freedom (#9)!

It’s all because of readers like you!

Some of you asked, some begged, some pushed (and I needed it!). You all wanted the same thing: another Uncharted story. Thank you for spurring me on to keep writing, to stay the course, to keep reporting back from the Land.

And there is a LOT going on in the Land!

Because of your encouragement, Uncharted Freedom (#9) is out today in ebook, paperback, and large print. This novel is mostly James & Naomi’s story at the Inn at Falls Creek, but it’s also Connor’s story back in Good Springs.

Here’s the official book description:

Naomi McIntosh is running from her family’s oppressive expectations and the loathsome man her father has demanded she marry. Renaming herself to live incognito, she takes a housekeeping job at the Inn at Falls Creek and promises God this false identity will be her last.

When shepherd James Roberts goes home to the Inn at Falls Creek for his sister’s wedding, he doesn’t expect the woman who once broke his heart to be working there. No matter how much he wants to be with Naomi again, he can’t go along with her charade, especially since he is trying to persuade his father to make him the inn's heir.

Though Naomi yearns for a future with James, if she confesses her deception to everyone, her estranged fiancé will find her. And the longer James goes without telling his family the truth about Naomi—and their growing relationship—the further he jeopardizes the inheritance. But just when their relationship looks promising, the inn proves to be a poor hiding place from Naomi’s past.

Meanwhile, in Good Springs…
Connor Bradshaw wrestles with the overseers’ decision to preserve the Land’s pacifist ways. His desire to build a defense system for the Land keeps him up at night, secretly scanning for radio transmissions from the warring outside world. His training to be a village overseer will require him to lay down his weapons, but a voice over the radio waves ignites his worst fears.

You can find Uncharted Freedom at your favorite online retailer, the monster being Amazon (ebook, paperback, and large print) or order an autographed paperback copy from my website store.

I truly hope you enjoy this new story and have a wonderful holiday season that is so splendidly content you leave 2020 refreshed and ready for the next adventure, no matter what lessons the Lord has waiting for us.

Now I’m off to plot the next story!

All my love,

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Uncharted Freedom (Uncharted, #9) is available for pre-order!

Guys!!! I am so excited about this book!

I can’t begin to tell you how challenging it was to focus on writing a novel during lockdown. But good news! It turns out, being imprisoned in my own home was the perfect circumstance to write a story about yearning for freedom.

And that is where Naomi’s story was born...

Here is a little about this ninth installment in the Uncharted series:

Naomi McIntosh is running from her family’s oppressive expectations and the loathsome man her father has demanded she marry. Renaming herself to live incognito, she takes a housekeeping job at the Inn at Falls Creek and promises God this false identity will be her last.

When shepherd James Roberts goes home to the Inn at Falls Creek for his sister’s wedding, he doesn’t expect the woman who once broke his heart to be working there. No matter how much he wants to be with Naomi again, he can’t go along with her charade, especially since he is trying to persuade his father to make him the inn
s heir.

Though Naomi yearns for a future with James, if she confesses her deception to everyone, her estranged fiancé will find her. And the longer James goes without telling his family the truth about Naomi—and their growing relationship—the further he jeopardizes the inheritance. But just when their relationship looks promising, the inn proves to be a poor hiding place from Naomi’s past.

Uncharted Freedom will release November 17, 2020!



Catch up on the rest of the series before this one comes out. In case youve lost track, the Uncharted series includes:
#1 The Land Uncharted
#2 Uncharted Redemption
#3 Uncharted Inheritance
#4 Christmas with the Colburns
#5 Uncharted Hope
#6 Uncharted Journey
#7 Uncharted Destiny
#8 Uncharted Promises
#9 Uncharted Freedom (Coming Nov. 17, 2020!)

Where are you in the series?

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Uncharted Book!

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2020? That sounds so futuristic. Even though we don’t have the flying cars they promised us, we are surrounded by—even controlled by—advanced technology. It’s both thrilling and terrifying. I can work from home and reach thousands of readers because of technology, yet my soul yearns for a quieter world, a simpler place.

Well, good news! I know about such a place. Escape with me to the Land in the newest Uncharted book, Uncharted Promises. If you’ve read the series from the beginning, you’re familiar with the Inn at Falls Creek. Winter is coming to the inn, and so is the new farm manager. Here’s a little about the story:

Sybil Roberts uses the warmth of delicious meals to lift the spirits of road-weary travelers at The Inn at Falls Creek. Her life at the inn would be perfect if she could just get her brothers and mother to move back home.

And if she could see Isaac Owens again.

He visited the inn once when he interviewed for the farm manager job, and she’s dreamed of his return to Falls Creek ever since.

Isaac Owens knows how to run a farm. His family might not have faith in him, but if he succeeds at Falls Creek, he’ll prove them wrong. He arrives at the inn thinking the job is his, but the inn’s senile owner offered the position to another man too. Isaac must spend the winter competing if he wants to win the job… and Sybil’s heart.

It will take more than warm meals on cold nights for Sybil and Isaac to find love while working at the isolated inn.

Uncharted Promises is available now on ebook, paperback, and large print. You can find it at your favorite online retailer or order a signed paperback copy from my website.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Uncharted story continues!

The Uncharted story continues with Uncharted Promises (Uncharted, #8) coming January 1, 2020.

Sybil Roberts uses the warmth of delicious meals to lift the spirits of road-weary travelers at The Inn at Falls Creek. Her life at the inn would be perfect if she could just get her brothers and mother to move back home.

And if she could see Isaac Owens again.

He visited the inn once when he interviewed for the farm manager job, and she’s dreamed of his return to Falls Creek ever since.

Isaac Owens knows how to run a farm. His family might not have faith in him, but if he succeeds at Falls Creek, he’ll prove them wrong. He arrives at the inn thinking the job is his, but the inn’s senile owner offered the position to another man too. Isaac must spend the winter competing if he wants to win the job… and Sybil’s heart.

It will take more than warm meals on cold nights for Sybil and Isaac to find love while working at the isolated inn.


Monday, June 3, 2019

It's finally here! Uncharted Destiny (#7) releases today!

Bailey Colburn is safe in the Land, but her father figure, Professor Tim, never made it to Good Springs. When Bailey discovers Tim is lost in the Land’s dangerous mountain terrain and out of his life-saving medication, she sets out to rescue him. Even with the help of intriguing native Revel Roberts, Bailey faces an impossible journey to save Tim. The mountains are shrouded in dark folklore and full of deadly surprises.

Revel Roberts never stays in one place too long. No matter where he travels in the Land, he avoids the Inn at Falls Creek, his boyhood home and the business he will inherit. But when fearless newcomer Bailey Colburn needs Revel’s help to find her friend, he joins the mission and is forced to return to the place he’d rather forget.

Bailey and Revel’s friendship strengthens as they need each other in ways neither of them imagined. But nothing can prepare them for what awaits in the Land’s treacherous mountains.

Uncharted Destiny, the seventh installment in the beloved Uncharted series, weaves faith and adventure while delivering long-awaited answers in this inspirational story of life in a hidden land.

Uncharted Destiny is available at Amazon, Books-A-Million, and Book Depository (free worldwide ship).

Signed paperback copies available here.

Large Print Edition: Amazon
Add Uncharted Destiny to your Goodreads shelf here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Pre-order Uncharted Destiny (#7) Now!

Great news, friends! Uncharted Destiny, Book 7 in the Uncharted series, is now available for pre-order on Kindle. (Paperback, large print, and audiobook will be coming soon!)

This story follows Bailey Colburn (one of my favorite characters ever!) as she sets out to rescue Tim and discovers more about the Land—and herself—than she bargained for. You do not want to miss this story!

About the book...

Bailey Colburn is finally safe in the Land, but her father figure, Professor Tim, never made it to Good Springs. When Bailey discovers Tim is lost in the Land’s dangerous mountain terrain and out of his life-saving medication, she sets out to rescue him. Even with the help of intriguing native Revel Roberts, Bailey faces an impossible journey to save Tim. The mountains are shrouded in dark folklore and full of deadly surprises.

Revel Roberts never stays in one place too long. No matter where he travels in the Land, he avoids the Inn at Falls Creek, his boyhood home and the business he will inherit. But when fearless newcomer Bailey Colburn needs Revel’s help to find her friend, he joins the mission and is forced to return to the place he’d rather forget.

Bailey and Revel’s friendship strengthens as they need each other in ways neither of them imagined. But nothing can prepare them for what awaits in the Land’s treacherous mountains.

Uncharted Destiny, the seventh installment in the beloved Uncharted series, weaves faith and adventure while delivering long-awaited answers in this inspirational story of life in a hidden land.
Tap here to pre-order now.
I had so much fun writing Uncharted Destiny because Bailey is a strong, one-of-a-kind character. Despite her independent nature and all-business exterior, she has a heart full of unsettled emotions. Oh, how I can relate! How about you?

I love how God meets me on the page in ways I never expect. I hope you will be touched by this story too. I can’t wait to share it with you!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Release Day for Uncharted Journey!

Uncharted Journey is finally here!

Young widow Eva Vestal assumes loneliness is God’s permanent plan for her life. She keeps busy by raising her son and co-managing the Inn at Falls Creek with her elderly father, but her heart yearns for more.

Solomon “Solo” Cotter has spent his life working with horses, but he secretly wants to write a book of the children’s stories his grandfather told him as a boy. He barters with Eva’s father for a 40-night stay at the inn, a needed respite from work to get his stories on paper.

Once Eva discovers the barter, she believes Solo is taking advantage of her father’s failing memory. But when tragedy strikes and Solo works hard to save the inn, Eva sees his true nature. As her heart stirs with feelings for Solo, she wrestles with the guilt of loving someone new.

Meanwhile, outside the Land...

Bailey Colburn arrives at the coordinates of the Land on the autumn equinox and finds nothing but ocean. The sun sets, ending Bailey’s dream of a safe and simple life with the family she’s never known. Just when she decides Justin Mercer lied about visiting a hidden land in the South Atlantic Ocean and meeting Bailey’s distant relatives, the atmosphere around the boat changes and ushers her into an uncharted world, but her entrance into the Land comes at a devastating price.

Signed paperback copies available here.
Uncharted Journey is available on Amazon.
Add Uncharted Journey to your Goodreads shelf here.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Uncharted Journey (#6) Now Available for Pre-order on Kindle

Uncharted Journey, Book 6 in the Uncharted series, is now available for pre-order on Kindle. Releasing November 9, 2018, this story follows Bailey Colburn (one of my favorite characters ever!) as she tries to enter the Land, and it also introduces us to the family that runs the Inn at Falls Creek. 

Here is the book description:

Young widow Eva Vestal assumes loneliness is God’s permanent plan for her life. She keeps busy by raising her son and co-managing the Inn at Falls Creek with her elderly father, but her heart yearns for more.

Solomon “Solo” Cotter has spent his life working with horses, but he secretly wants to write a book of the children’s stories his grandfather told him as a boy. He barters with Eva’s father for a 40-night stay at the inn, a needed respite from work to get his stories on paper.

Once Eva discovers the barter, she believes Solo is taking advantage of her father’s failing memory. But when tragedy strikes and Solo works hard to save the inn, Eva sees his true nature. As her heart stirs with feelings for Solo, she wrestles with the guilt of loving someone new.

Meanwhile, outside the Land...

Bailey Colburn arrives at the coordinates of the Land on the autumn equinox and finds nothing but ocean. The sun sets, ending Bailey’s dream of a safe and simple life with the family she’s never known. Just when she decides Justin Mercer lied about visiting a hidden land in the South Atlantic Ocean and meeting Bailey’s distant relatives, the atmosphere around the boat changes and ushers her into an uncharted world, but her entrance into the Land comes at a devastating price.

I had so much fun writing Uncharted Journey because Bailey is one of a kind and Eva and Solo’s story was a sweet, emotional journey for me. I love how God meets me on the page in ways I never expect. I hope you will be touched by this story too. I cant wait to share it with you!


Friday, June 22, 2018

All Things Beautiful Audiobook Now Available!

Fantastic news! ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL, book three in the Uncharted Beginnings series, is now available as an audiobook. The incredibly talented Amy Marie Smith brings this sweet historical romance to life with her beautiful voice.

Here, have a listen:

Isn't Amy fabulous?! I could listen to her tell stories all day.

Download ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL from your favorite online retailer: Amazon | Audible | iTunes 

About the book:
It’s 1868 in the settlement of Good Springs, and Hannah Vestal is passionate about writing fiction and keeping her stories to herself. By lantern light she slips into her story world and dreams the adventures she’ll never experience. When her father asks to read her work, she decides to have it printed secretly for his 50th birthday. Hannah tries to arrange the printing with the settlement’s pressman, but the witty and dapper Henry Roberts won’t make it easy for her to prove her writing is worthy of his ink.

If Henry Roberts did nothing else for the rest of his life but print and bind books, he would die a satisfied man. In order to secure settlement support for his printing press, the elder council says Henry must print an error-free copy of the New Testament before the settlement’s 8th anniversary celebration. He is determined to meet their challenge, but when the enigmatic Hannah proves to be a beguiling distraction, Henry longs for something more than a life at the letterpress.

Get swept away to the hidden frontier settlement where love requires sacrifice, faith-filled adventures await, and sweet romance makes people glad to be alive. Listen to All Things Beautiful today and embark on an unforgettable journey of the heart in this inspirational story.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

It's release day for All Things Beautiful!

I'm super excited to announce All Things Beautiful, book 3 in the Uncharted Beginnings series is now available in paperback and ebook!

While I wrote All Things Beautiful, I wanted to express how important it is to use the talents God has given us. I was brought to tears many times as the Lord met me on the page, and I pray He blesses you through Hannah and Henry’s story too.

All Things Beautiful completed the Uncharted Beginnings series. If you're an Uncharted fan, I think you'll like the special tie-in at the end :) You can download the Kindle version here or a signed paperback here. If you're an audiobook lover, hang tight! The talented Amy Marie Smith is currently recording the audio version.

Here is a little about this new novel:

It’s 1868 in the settlement of Good Springs, and Hannah Vestal is passionate about writing fiction and keeping her stories to herself. By lantern light she slips into her story world and dreams the adventures she’ll never experience. When her father asks to read her work, she decides to have it printed secretly for his 50th birthday. Hannah tries to arrange the printing with the settlement’s pressman, but the witty and dapper Henry Roberts won’t make it easy for her to prove her writing is worthy of his ink.

If Henry Roberts did nothing else for the rest of his life but print and bind books, he would die a satisfied man. In order to secure settlement support for his printing press, the elder council says Henry must print an error-free copy of the New Testament before the settlement’s 8th anniversary celebration. He is determined to meet their challenge, but when the enigmatic Hannah proves to be a beguiling distraction, Henry longs for something more than a life at the letterpress.

Get swept away to the hidden frontier settlement where love requires sacrifice, faith-filled adventures await, and sweet romance makes people glad to be alive. Order All Things Beautiful today and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of the heart in this inspirational story.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Cover Reveal: All Things Beautiful

Cover reveal time!


I'm super excited to show you the cover of All Things Beautiful, book 3 in the Uncharted Beginnings series.
Isn't it gorgeous? Another fabulous design by Najla Qamber! She's a genius.

Let's celebrate with a giveaway!
I'm giving away a signed softcover copy of All Things Beautiful. Enter for a chance to win on my Rafflecopter page. You can also earn more entries by sharing the All Things Beautiful book cover on your social media. (You can download the image from this blog post.)
All Things Beautiful will be released April 17, 2018. You can pre-order the Kindle version here or a signed paperback here. If you're an audiobook lover, hang tight! The talented Amy Marie Smith is currently recording the audio version.

While I wrote All Things Beautiful, I wanted to express how important it is to use the talents God has given us. I was brought to tears many times as the Lord met me on the page, and I pray He blesses you through Hannah and Henry’s story too.

Here is a little about this new novel:

It’s 1868 in the settlement of Good Springs, and Hannah Vestal is passionate about writing fiction and keeping her stories to herself. By lantern light she slips into her story world and dreams the adventures she’ll never experience. When her father asks to read her work, she decides to have it printed secretly for his 50th birthday. Hannah tries to arrange the printing with the settlement’s pressman, but the witty and dapper Henry Roberts won’t make it easy for her to prove her writing is worthy of his ink.

If Henry Roberts did nothing else for the rest of his life but print and bind books, he would die a satisfied man. In order to secure settlement support for his printing press, the elder council says Henry must print an error-free copy of the New Testament before the settlement’s 8th anniversary celebration. He is determined to meet their challenge, but when the enigmatic Hannah proves to be a beguiling distraction, Henry longs for something more than a life at the letterpress.

Get swept away to the hidden frontier settlement where love requires sacrifice, faith-filled adventures await, and sweet romance makes people glad to be alive. Pre-order All Things Beautiful today and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of the heart in this inspirational story.